Step 5.3: Time to focus on the format output
Rename a time series
The following block can be add at the end of the script to reformat all names of time series list.
// Reformat annotations series
// Delete index
// Duplicate series on top of the stack
// Get series name
// Add annotations suffix
'-annotations' +
// RENAME the series on top of the stack
Did you understood all the instructions? Otherwise have a look at the documentation page!
You can write the same block of code to refactor the name of the sampled series.
Simplify the user navigation
To generate an element on the stack containing both the original record and the annotation series just add the following lines of code at the end of your script
// Split the end record in several stack elements. One elements for each record of each stars containing a list of the record series with its corresponding annotations series
// Merge both series on top of the stack
[ 'KEPLERID' 'record' ]
// Generaten equivalence map containing base on KEPLERID and record labels
// Delete each map keys to keep only the list values
Let’s integrate them now in our previous script to reformat the generated output
To be continued
Wow, you did an awesome job exoplanet hunter! You manage to discover some of the existing exoplanet and format nicely your output! Now it’s time to relax a bit before continuing your quest. It’s time to let you have your own practice you can now edit your own method to detect exoplanet! Or reach the next step to discover new existing WarpScript functions.