Step 4.2: Let's compute the difference

Congrats young hunter in reaching this step! Here you will learn how to use all the knowledge gain in previous step to build your first script to search for exoplanet! For this we are going to use APPLY framework to compute the difference. We are going to take record-5 to illustrate the APPLY. Here’s record-5:

Alt Text

We are first going to compute a trend like this one:

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Now what is happening if we are doing a simple substraction between the two time-series? Here’s the result:

Alt Text.

Well the dropouts are pretty clear now! Let’s do it!

Starting from here, you now have to:

  • compute the trend using mapper.mean. We recommend 5 datapoints before and after.
  • Store the result into a variable
  • use the APPLY framework to compute the difference using op.sub between the originial series and the series trend (computing using an average mean for example).

To resume, the expected result will contains a list of time series: with one time series per record containing the result of the substraction of the initial series with its trend.

To be continued

Well done young hunter, let’s continue together this exo-planet quest! In the next stage, you will learn how to isolate a minus threshold and build a nice output!